L-EWWEL VOLUM: S K A R T / Ċens Perpetwu

IT-TNEDIJA TA' DIN IS-SERJE TA' KOTBA tolqot dak li jista’ jitqies bħala qasam ġdid
għall-pubblikazzjonijiet lokali li jirrigwardaw it-teatru Malti, qasam
dedikat għax-xeneġġjaturi, jew skripts
miktuba apposta biex jinħadmu fuq it-televiżjoni jew f'xi forma ċinematika oħra.
żewġ xogħlijiet li jniedu din is-serje ta’ xogħlijiet
huma “Skart” u “Ċens Perpetwu”.
L-għażla saret bi ħsieb għaliex tinkludi żewġ xogħliet li hemm aktar
minn erbgħin sena tifridhom. Infatti,
għalkemm “Skart” huwa l-aktar xogħol reċenti, “Ċens Perpetwu” jmur lura għal tmien is-snin sittin meta kien deher
l-ewwel darba fuq it-televizjoni lokali (l-MTV) bi produzzjoni ta' Charles Abela Mizzi. Kien dramm fl-istil tat-teatru tal-assurd, dramm hekk
imsejjaħ “iswed” tipiku ta’ żmienu u li deher stampat fil-ġabra “4 Drammi” li għamel żmien twil
fil-kurrikulu nazzjonali tal-letteratura Maltija.
Min-naħa l-oħra “Skart”
jirrakkonta ġrajja kontemporanja ta’ bniedem kwalunkwe li jsib ruħu f’salib
it-toroq hekk kif il-kamera sseggwih f’dik li l-awtur isejjaħ kammerspiel semi-traġiku tul ġurnata
“normali” ta’ ħajtu... li ma tirriżultax daqshekk normali fi tmiem il-jum. Il-fokalizzazzjoni hija fuq il-bidla fl-istil u
t-teknika ġdida li joffri l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku filwaqt tinżamm in-nisġa ta’
ġrajja li tibqa’ essenzjalment personali.
Il-kotba huma ppubblikati f'edizzjoni b'qoxra iebsa u huma disponibbli wkoll permezz ta’ publikazzjonijiet diġitali
(epubs, mobi, pdf, eċċ.) mis-sit www.orestecalleja.com.
“Skart”, described
as a “semi tragic kammerspiel”, is the first in a series of “xeneġġjaturi” and the name of the play
which the veteran playwright Oreste Calleja has just included in the first
volume of his series of publications dedicated to screenplays. The books are
available as a hardback edition as well as in digital format (epub, mobi, pdf)
from the author’s website www.orestecalleja.com.
The second book in the series is “3
Siltiet”, a selection of scenes from three of Calleja plays for the stage
adapted for the screen.
Screenplays in the Maltese language, especially scripts which
follow a dedicated format suitable for the medium, are practically non-existent
in Maltese publications. Together with his latest new play “Skart”, which tells
of a simple but calamitous event in an ordinary man’s life – Calleja delves
back into his repertoire to accompany it with a classic, “Ċens Perpetwu”, a
teleplay which was amongst the very first and rare teledramas written
specifically for MTV and screened in the early seventies – a play which for
years featured in his first publication “4 Drammi” and in high school and tertiary education curricula. The two dramas thus span some fifty years in the development of
the medium which the author tries to summarise in these two scripts. It is
begging the question to ask: how far has local television output come from
those early days when teledramas were captured on cameras which stood shoulder-high with cameramen and when television sets were build to order in the local MTV studios (or even the parking lot) – only to be torn down again to clear the space for the next live transmission – and
the recording tapes erased forever to record on them the next event.
In the second volume of the series, “3 Siltiet”, Calleja follows a different technical endeavor in that
he ventures into the adaption of three of his stage plays into screenplays. He
includes three selections from Il-Belliegħa
fil-Bir, U l-Anġlu Ħabbar and Għasfur
Despite spending more than half of his adult life abroad in
the UK, the USA, Luxemburg and Germany, Oreste Calleja has published several
plays in Maltese since his early days in the late 60s when he first came to the
fore within the ranks of the Moviment Qawmien Letterarju where he served as
Committee member. It was the times of Malta Maltija and the Kampanja Lsien
Malti and besides publishing “Il-Polz” and “Sagħtar”, the MQL took to the airwaves
with innovative programs like Beat u
Letteratura and laid the ground for seminal activities like the first ever
National Maltese Book Fair (at the then National Museum in the Auberge de
Provence), the birth of the Klabb Kotba Maltin, and public literature soirées in
village squares and venues all over the island.
The third volume of the Xeneġġjaturi
series is due out later this month (January 2016).

IT-TNEDIJA TA' DIN IS-SERJE TA' KOTBA tolqot dak li jista’ jitqies bħala qasam ġdid għall-pubblikazzjonijiet lokali li jirrigwardaw it-teatru Malti, qasam dedikat għax-xeneġġjaturi, jew skripts miktuba apposta biex jinħadmu fuq it-televiżjoni jew f'xi forma ċinematika oħra.
żewġ xogħlijiet li jniedu din is-serje ta’ xogħlijiet
huma “Skart” u “Ċens Perpetwu”.
L-għażla saret bi ħsieb għaliex tinkludi żewġ xogħliet li hemm aktar
minn erbgħin sena tifridhom. Infatti,
għalkemm “Skart” huwa l-aktar xogħol reċenti, “Ċens Perpetwu” jmur lura għal tmien is-snin sittin meta kien deher
l-ewwel darba fuq it-televizjoni lokali (l-MTV) bi produzzjoni ta' Charles Abela Mizzi. Kien dramm fl-istil tat-teatru tal-assurd, dramm hekk
imsejjaħ “iswed” tipiku ta’ żmienu u li deher stampat fil-ġabra “4 Drammi” li għamel żmien twil
fil-kurrikulu nazzjonali tal-letteratura Maltija.
Min-naħa l-oħra “Skart”
jirrakkonta ġrajja kontemporanja ta’ bniedem kwalunkwe li jsib ruħu f’salib
it-toroq hekk kif il-kamera sseggwih f’dik li l-awtur isejjaħ kammerspiel semi-traġiku tul ġurnata
“normali” ta’ ħajtu... li ma tirriżultax daqshekk normali fi tmiem il-jum. Il-fokalizzazzjoni hija fuq il-bidla fl-istil u
t-teknika ġdida li joffri l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku filwaqt tinżamm in-nisġa ta’
ġrajja li tibqa’ essenzjalment personali.
Il-kotba huma ppubblikati f'edizzjoni b'qoxra iebsa u huma disponibbli wkoll permezz ta’ publikazzjonijiet diġitali (epubs, mobi, pdf, eċċ.) mis-sit www.orestecalleja.com.
Il-kotba huma ppubblikati f'edizzjoni b'qoxra iebsa u huma disponibbli wkoll permezz ta’ publikazzjonijiet diġitali (epubs, mobi, pdf, eċċ.) mis-sit www.orestecalleja.com.
“Skart”, described
as a “semi tragic kammerspiel”, is the first in a series of “xeneġġjaturi” and the name of the play
which the veteran playwright Oreste Calleja has just included in the first
volume of his series of publications dedicated to screenplays. The books are
available as a hardback edition as well as in digital format (epub, mobi, pdf)
from the author’s website www.orestecalleja.com.
The second book in the series is “3
Siltiet”, a selection of scenes from three of Calleja plays for the stage
adapted for the screen.
Screenplays in the Maltese language, especially scripts which
follow a dedicated format suitable for the medium, are practically non-existent
in Maltese publications. Together with his latest new play “Skart”, which tells
of a simple but calamitous event in an ordinary man’s life – Calleja delves
back into his repertoire to accompany it with a classic, “Ċens Perpetwu”, a
teleplay which was amongst the very first and rare teledramas written
specifically for MTV and screened in the early seventies – a play which for
years featured in his first publication “4 Drammi” and in high school and tertiary education curricula. The two dramas thus span some fifty years in the development of
the medium which the author tries to summarise in these two scripts. It is
begging the question to ask: how far has local television output come from
those early days when teledramas were captured on cameras which stood shoulder-high with cameramen and when television sets were build to order in the local MTV studios (or even the parking lot) – only to be torn down again to clear the space for the next live transmission – and
the recording tapes erased forever to record on them the next event.
In the second volume of the series, “3 Siltiet”, Calleja follows a different technical endeavor in that
he ventures into the adaption of three of his stage plays into screenplays. He
includes three selections from Il-Belliegħa
fil-Bir, U l-Anġlu Ħabbar and Għasfur
Despite spending more than half of his adult life abroad in
the UK, the USA, Luxemburg and Germany, Oreste Calleja has published several
plays in Maltese since his early days in the late 60s when he first came to the
fore within the ranks of the Moviment Qawmien Letterarju where he served as
Committee member. It was the times of Malta Maltija and the Kampanja Lsien
Malti and besides publishing “Il-Polz” and “Sagħtar”, the MQL took to the airwaves
with innovative programs like Beat u
Letteratura and laid the ground for seminal activities like the first ever
National Maltese Book Fair (at the then National Museum in the Auberge de
Provence), the birth of the Klabb Kotba Maltin, and public literature soirées in
village squares and venues all over the island.
The third volume of the Xeneġġjaturi
series is due out later this month (January 2016).